Update a SharePoint Property using powershell scripts

Update ProviderUri  value using powershell

Here are the commands to update a specific value using Power Shell script.

Open SharePoint PowerShell utility prompt.

Here we will try changing ProviderUri value using powershell scripts commands

Original Value : http://identityprovider.com/idp/signin/url

Changed Value: http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url

Following step by step procedure to change a value using powershell

Step 1:

Save Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer to a varaible.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1 = Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer

Step 2:

Echo the value, to display the original value

PS C:\Users\Administrator> echo $t1

ProviderUri                  : http://identityprovider.com/idp/signin/url

DefaultProviderRealm         : urn:temployees

ProviderRealms               : {}

ClaimTypes                   : {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/uid,  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/mail}

HasClaimTypeInformation      : True

ClaimTypeInformation         : {uid, Groups, mail}

IdentityClaimTypeInformation : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInformation

ClaimProviderName            :

UseWReplyParameter           : True

Description                  : DEMO_CHANGE_TRUST_ID_PROVIDER

SigningCertificate           : [Subject]

                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN


                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN

                               [Serial Number]


                               [Not Before]

                                 xx/xx/xxxx 7:3:31 PM

                               [Not After]

                                 XX/XX/XXXX 7:3:31 PM



Name                         : Employees

TypeName                     : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedLoginProvider

DisplayName                  : Employees

Id                           : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx

Status                       : Online

Parent                       : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityToken


Version                      : 14392

Properties                   : {}

Farm                         : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config_CCCCCCC-CCCC-CCCC-CCC2-XXXXXXXXXXX

UpgradedPersistedProperties  : {}

Step 3:

Change Provider URI value to new value

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1.ProviderUri = "http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url"

Step 4:

Update the Value

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1.Update()

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

Step 5:

Display the change value, to confirm the change.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer

ProviderUri                  : http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url

DefaultProviderRealm         : urn:temployees

ProviderRealms               : {}

ClaimTypes                   : {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/uid, http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/mail}

HasClaimTypeInformation      : True

ClaimTypeInformation         : {uid, Groups, mail}

IdentityClaimTypeInformation : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInformation

ClaimProviderName            :

UseWReplyParameter           : True

Description                  : DEMO_CHANGE_TRUST_ID_PROVIDER

SigningCertificate           : [Subject]

                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN


                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN

                               [Serial Number]


                               [Not Before]

                                 xx/xx/xxxx X:XX:XX PM

                               [Not After]

                                 XX/XX/XXXX X:XX:XX PM



Name                         : Employees

TypeName                     : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedLoginProvider

DisplayName                  : Employees

Id                           : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx

Status                       : Online

Parent                       : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityToken


Version                      : 00000

Properties                   : {}

Farm                         : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxX-XXXXXXXXXXX

UpgradedPersistedProperties  : {}

same can be applied to change any value like  UseWReplyParamete, Description etc..

Compiling Apache on linux

Hi All,

Following are steps to compile apache on linux.

pre-requisite for apache to compiled on linux, it must have gcc

Compiling Apache to built  32 bit Apache

make sure gcc version is 32 bit, assumption is that you logged in root user.

Following are the commands

./configure --prefix=/opt/httpd


make install

Compiling apache code to built 64 bit apache

Following are the commands

./configure CFLAGS=-m64 LDFLAGS="-L/usr/sfw/lib/amd64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/amd64" LIBS=-L/usr/sfw/lib/amd64 CPPFLAGS=-m64

make install.