Update a SharePoint Property using powershell scripts

Update ProviderUri  value using powershell

Here are the commands to update a specific value using Power Shell script.

Open SharePoint PowerShell utility prompt.

Here we will try changing ProviderUri value using powershell scripts commands

Original Value : http://identityprovider.com/idp/signin/url

Changed Value: http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url

Following step by step procedure to change a value using powershell

Step 1:

Save Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer to a varaible.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1 = Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer

Step 2:

Echo the value, to display the original value

PS C:\Users\Administrator> echo $t1

ProviderUri                  : http://identityprovider.com/idp/signin/url

DefaultProviderRealm         : urn:temployees

ProviderRealms               : {}

ClaimTypes                   : {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/uid,  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/mail}

HasClaimTypeInformation      : True

ClaimTypeInformation         : {uid, Groups, mail}

IdentityClaimTypeInformation : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInformation

ClaimProviderName            :

UseWReplyParameter           : True

Description                  : DEMO_CHANGE_TRUST_ID_PROVIDER

SigningCertificate           : [Subject]

                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN


                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN

                               [Serial Number]


                               [Not Before]

                                 xx/xx/xxxx 7:3:31 PM

                               [Not After]

                                 XX/XX/XXXX 7:3:31 PM



Name                         : Employees

TypeName                     : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedLoginProvider

DisplayName                  : Employees

Id                           : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx

Status                       : Online

Parent                       : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityToken


Version                      : 14392

Properties                   : {}

Farm                         : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config_CCCCCCC-CCCC-CCCC-CCC2-XXXXXXXXXXX

UpgradedPersistedProperties  : {}

Step 3:

Change Provider URI value to new value

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1.ProviderUri = "http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url"

Step 4:

Update the Value

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $t1.Update()

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

Step 5:

Display the change value, to confirm the change.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer

ProviderUri                  : http://changednewhost.com:80/idp/signin/url

DefaultProviderRealm         : urn:temployees

ProviderRealms               : {}

ClaimTypes                   : {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/uid, http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/mail}

HasClaimTypeInformation      : True

ClaimTypeInformation         : {uid, Groups, mail}

IdentityClaimTypeInformation : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInformation

ClaimProviderName            :

UseWReplyParameter           : True

Description                  : DEMO_CHANGE_TRUST_ID_PROVIDER

SigningCertificate           : [Subject]

                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN


                                 E=trust@change.com, CN=signed,

                               OU=Unit, O=CORPDUMMY, L=XX, S=XX, C=IN

                               [Serial Number]


                               [Not Before]

                                 xx/xx/xxxx X:XX:XX PM

                               [Not After]

                                 XX/XX/XXXX X:XX:XX PM



Name                         : Employees

TypeName                     : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedLoginProvider

DisplayName                  : Employees

Id                           : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx

Status                       : Online

Parent                       : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityToken


Version                      : 00000

Properties                   : {}

Farm                         : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxX-XXXXXXXXXXX

UpgradedPersistedProperties  : {}

same can be applied to change any value like  UseWReplyParamete, Description etc..


  1. Hi I am getting an error saying providersignouturi cannot be found, make sure it exists and is settable

  2. providersignouturi is supported from a specific version.

    Check if its supported in the version, your using.
    $ Ti = Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer
    $ Ti.ProviderSignOutUri = "https://login.firma.de/adfs/ls/?wa=wsignout1.0&wreply={SignoutURL}
    $ Ti.Update ()
